Good and bad investments in energy efficiency
Today many companies are focused on energy efficiency of
their refrigeration plants. They invest in sophisticated PLCs, VFDs and etc.
However, very often limited energy savings are achieved.
Unfortunately, many managers think that significant
investments in energy saving equipment will lead to significant energy savings.
This is incorrect, for instance, look at investments in PLCs. Ideal
refrigeration plant PLC should have 2 parts.
first part should determine optimum (the best) set points and operating
strategies, while the second part of PLC should implement these set points and
operating strategies. There are several PLCs on the market which can implement
certain set points and operating strategies. Unfortunately, PLC capable of
determining optimum set points and operating strategies does not exist. This
means that a human should determine the mentioned set points and operating
strategies. The huge question is Who
should do that?
Very often this task was given to the operating
engineers and this is fundamentally wrong. Yes, operating engineers can do
initial optimization, however, final optimization of the refrigeration plant
operation is the most complicated part of the energy saving process. This final
optimization should be done by the experts. I have seen many refrigeration
plants where operating engineers attempted to optimize operation of their
refrigeration plants. Unfortunately, these plants have achieved only 5 - 30% of
potential energy savings. Wrong set points and operating strategies are the
major reasons for poor investments in PLCs.
Modern refrigeration plant PLC should have the following
Floating condensing pressure
based on wet bulb temperature of ambient air. Minimum allowable condensing
pressure should be determined. Typically, it is below 100 psig (7
Floating suction pressure
based on production requirements.
Flexible frequency of hot gas
defrosting based on rate of frost formation.
Optimized loading and
unloading of the compressors.
Optimized condensers
Minimized energy use of the
evaporator fans.
your PLC has these features, it is a good one. However, PLC is just a tool to
save energy. Only craftsmen can use this tool properly. To improve energy
efficiency of your facility, find the right person who will help you to tune up
your refrigeration plant PLC.